Tuesday, April 20, 2004

A virtual gathering of the female Orthobloggers

Karl expresses happiness that so many Othodox women are joining the blogosphere. He helpfully lists a few of them (us).

I know that we women are taking a little longer to warm up to the blog forum than the guys. I think it's a technology thing. Heaven knows, if you give us a platform, we'll talk. One think I noticed though is how all our blogs fit together into a perfect conversation. Let's see, after a night of Sacred Insomnia, we meet The Alto Section and take A Catechumen's Walk to Laura's Front Porch, where under The Blue Canopy we have Morning Coffee while Lola Knits and Spins and Havdala tends her Doves and Pomegranates, and we are all So Joyful watching The Light Fraction and talking of Lamb Thoughts and A World of Speculation.

It reminds me of our parish's women's retreat at Cannon Beach coming up later this month.

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